God is Answering our prayers of agreement!
July 29th, "Invading the Gates of Hell" Downtown Portland Prayerwalk Testimony from Steve Trujillo
"So at #invadingthegatesofhell I lead one of the teams that went to minister to the homeless, to love on them and share both natural assistance and the power of the Holy Spirit. We went to a place that was pretty rough, full of drug addicted, criminally involved, hardcore folks. Some received us well, some wanted nothing to do with us, even though we were clearly there to help, the God of this world has so blinded them, it was like he would not let them engage... yet as time passed and the worship and prayer was continuing go up, the more breakthrough we started to have. Pretty soon we were not just passing out cold water, socks and all the things they need, we were praying for them. Lisa from Destiny got some really awesome prophetic words that really ministered the reality of Jesus. We ended up praying for quite a few who were already believers, but still bound, and still conformed to this world. The gratitude started to flow as they encountered the reality of the Jesus they had called on."
But the encounter of the night for us was a couple that was just happened to go by us on the sidewalk. It was not immediately clear if they were homeless or not. But I felt the tug of the Holy Spirit to engage. I did, and they were the "man of peace" Jesus talked about in Luke 10. After we helped them with natural needs, the ministry began to release heaven over them. She got healed of pain in her leg. Then Pat Buckley and Lisa began to tell her how God saw them and within 90 seconds she gave her life to Jesus. Turns out the boyfriend was a Christian. We got words of knowledge for him and saw encouragement come over him. Then Lisa gave her a card God had her prepare ahead of time, it was the perfect card on what has for her. They were both so moved and touched. This is what it's about! Love overcoming a past of hurt and pain, and light piercing through the darkness, depopulating hell and populating heaven!
July 29th, "Invading the Gates of Hell" Downtown Portland Prayerwalk Testimony from Teri Ortiz
"As I was preparing to go to this event. I was impressed to bring my Lion of Judah Fire Flag. As it turned out, somehow, my foot was injured and I had to cancel my last 2 events of the evening. So, I prayed.....and as I was praying for the "invasion," this is was occurred.... I saw myself holding one of my tallest banners. Usually, I dance, move and twirl with my flags and banners, each movement having meaning.
This time, I was standing very still, my feet firmly planted with my arms raised as high as they could go with this tall banner reaching high up in the sky. The banner I was holding, was the Lion of Judah Fire Flag. As the banner reached up into the atmosphere, it pierced through the darkness and brought down strongholds. The demons scattered as the banner proclaimed the territory belonged to the tribe of Judah. I/we were making a declaration to the enemy's camp. My firm footing was a declaration of our strength as Kingdom warriors and that we will not be moved. Since I was not there physically, I do not know what took place or exactly where it was, but I do know it was powerful and ground was taken. A powerful Divine Deposit and imprint was made."
July 29th, "Invading the Gates of Hell" Downtown Portland Prayerwalk Testimony from Joe Larson
"While we were prayer walking near Dantes, Voodoo donuts and the Vape shop and "theater" I saw 3 flashes of light and Angels appear on the corners of each business replacing what was there before. Standing, like they were awaiting further orders from Heaven. We later went into Liberation church on the corner and Tom went inside to let them know we were prayer walking and reaching out to people, they were in the middle of a bible study of some sort. One person stood out to me, and God gave me a word for her I asked her if I could share, she said yes and she started to cry and asked my name and shook my hand. It was powerful. God Showed me many other smaller things but these were the biggest."
July 29th, "Invading the Gates of Hell" Downtown Portland Prayerwalk Testimony from Chris Barzola
"Last night was filled with Gods love and his glorious healing was being released in Portland. Everybody was healed that got lay hands on left and right but this one man got laid hands on and GOD HEALED him completely, his back and legs to where he doesn't need his wheelchair anymore. He now is pushing the wheelchair!"
July 29th, "Invading the Gates of Hell" Downtown Portland Prayerwalk Testimony from June Lizotte
"Amazing for sure! What an amazing group to co-labor with on the streets of Portland. One of the most exciting things of the night for me was when I was prepared to empty my wallet to a man who I knew was not going to abuse it...he was truly down and out, poor and needy...and he knew Jesus. He loved when we prayed for him and agree hardily although he was so frail. When I asked what can we do practically for him all he asked for was water. My water bottle was the only one there and I had taken a sip already. I told him so and he didn't mind at all. He was so thirsty. I felt the pleasure of the Lord in that moment as I thought of this scripture as I released the water to him "For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because of your name as followers of Christ, truly I say to you, he will not lose his reward." Mark 9:41 It's amazing that a bottle of water gave me the same pleasure as praying healing for one or seeing salvation come to another. It's all about doing what the Father tells you to do in a given moment. And what an amazing lady (Loretta W) I partnered with...I really learned from her as she used her doggie treats to open doors in a similar way I use my art. She is full of the Spirit and Word of knowledge flows from her...So blessed to have made a new friend! I loved last night!!"
July 29th, "Invading the Gates of Hell" Downtown Portland Prayerwalk Testimony from Denise Hendrickson
"This outreach was amazing! It's what I would call a whole enchilada outreach! Three people asked Jesus into their heart! One was a guy who later told me he was gay and didn't think he could be saved nor loved by God. I was able to share more on God's love with him and how God looks at sin as all being equal. I was able to pray over his mind as he asked about the thoughts he has and I shared with him not only how to deal with those thoughts, but how to recognize which thoughts were from God and which were from the enemy. Knowing God will reveal to him to move out of his current lifestyle with His strength to do so, I also was able to tell him to ask God to show him truth. He was super hungry!
I talked to one couple that was dating. She was saved and the guy literally jumped at the opportunity to ask Jesus into his heart. Afterwards, I told them their relationship will now move into a deeper level and I asked the girl if she knew what the bible said about being unequally yoked. I referred to that passage as I spoke into their lives. Papa then gave me a word of knowledge that moved into the prophetic for her. It was amazing.
One lady who was completely drunk gave me the biggest hug at the end of our conversation and told me how much she loved me. Lol. She felt Jesus' love!! Another notable conversation was with a guy who does not believe in one Jesus. He was so moved by the "music" that he stopped to enjoy it. I believe the worship actually toned him down and he was very gentle when he shared his viewpoint with me. He was not aggressive nor dogmatic. Although he did not receive Jesus, he heard truth and I asked him to ask God to reveal truth to him.
There was much good conversation that happened with other people, and I found it to be an open heaven everywhere. Outreach is about more than a word of knowledge, prophecy or healing. It's even about more than someone getting saved. It's about Papa restoring the whole person. Jesus is interested in the whole man - the lame man when healed went walking and leaping and praising God - physically, emotionally & spiritually - Mark 3:1-11 Thank you for inviting us!"
May 15th Testimony from David Hummel
David Hummel, who owns & manages Blessing Bookstore, has leased retail space for the past 5 years. Below his space, another group was leasing space for their organization, that operated contrary to God's Kingdom of Love. As we prayed, worshiped, shouted & declared God's Kingdom on Friday, May 15th (for our first Strategic Prayer Gathering), the other group unexpectedly moved out of the building in 3 days! What a testimony of the power of agreement, when all the different dimensions of God's 5 Fold Government stand as one.
"So at #invadingthegatesofhell I lead one of the teams that went to minister to the homeless, to love on them and share both natural assistance and the power of the Holy Spirit. We went to a place that was pretty rough, full of drug addicted, criminally involved, hardcore folks. Some received us well, some wanted nothing to do with us, even though we were clearly there to help, the God of this world has so blinded them, it was like he would not let them engage... yet as time passed and the worship and prayer was continuing go up, the more breakthrough we started to have. Pretty soon we were not just passing out cold water, socks and all the things they need, we were praying for them. Lisa from Destiny got some really awesome prophetic words that really ministered the reality of Jesus. We ended up praying for quite a few who were already believers, but still bound, and still conformed to this world. The gratitude started to flow as they encountered the reality of the Jesus they had called on."
But the encounter of the night for us was a couple that was just happened to go by us on the sidewalk. It was not immediately clear if they were homeless or not. But I felt the tug of the Holy Spirit to engage. I did, and they were the "man of peace" Jesus talked about in Luke 10. After we helped them with natural needs, the ministry began to release heaven over them. She got healed of pain in her leg. Then Pat Buckley and Lisa began to tell her how God saw them and within 90 seconds she gave her life to Jesus. Turns out the boyfriend was a Christian. We got words of knowledge for him and saw encouragement come over him. Then Lisa gave her a card God had her prepare ahead of time, it was the perfect card on what has for her. They were both so moved and touched. This is what it's about! Love overcoming a past of hurt and pain, and light piercing through the darkness, depopulating hell and populating heaven!
July 29th, "Invading the Gates of Hell" Downtown Portland Prayerwalk Testimony from Teri Ortiz
"As I was preparing to go to this event. I was impressed to bring my Lion of Judah Fire Flag. As it turned out, somehow, my foot was injured and I had to cancel my last 2 events of the evening. So, I prayed.....and as I was praying for the "invasion," this is was occurred.... I saw myself holding one of my tallest banners. Usually, I dance, move and twirl with my flags and banners, each movement having meaning.
This time, I was standing very still, my feet firmly planted with my arms raised as high as they could go with this tall banner reaching high up in the sky. The banner I was holding, was the Lion of Judah Fire Flag. As the banner reached up into the atmosphere, it pierced through the darkness and brought down strongholds. The demons scattered as the banner proclaimed the territory belonged to the tribe of Judah. I/we were making a declaration to the enemy's camp. My firm footing was a declaration of our strength as Kingdom warriors and that we will not be moved. Since I was not there physically, I do not know what took place or exactly where it was, but I do know it was powerful and ground was taken. A powerful Divine Deposit and imprint was made."
July 29th, "Invading the Gates of Hell" Downtown Portland Prayerwalk Testimony from Joe Larson
"While we were prayer walking near Dantes, Voodoo donuts and the Vape shop and "theater" I saw 3 flashes of light and Angels appear on the corners of each business replacing what was there before. Standing, like they were awaiting further orders from Heaven. We later went into Liberation church on the corner and Tom went inside to let them know we were prayer walking and reaching out to people, they were in the middle of a bible study of some sort. One person stood out to me, and God gave me a word for her I asked her if I could share, she said yes and she started to cry and asked my name and shook my hand. It was powerful. God Showed me many other smaller things but these were the biggest."
July 29th, "Invading the Gates of Hell" Downtown Portland Prayerwalk Testimony from Chris Barzola
"Last night was filled with Gods love and his glorious healing was being released in Portland. Everybody was healed that got lay hands on left and right but this one man got laid hands on and GOD HEALED him completely, his back and legs to where he doesn't need his wheelchair anymore. He now is pushing the wheelchair!"
July 29th, "Invading the Gates of Hell" Downtown Portland Prayerwalk Testimony from June Lizotte
"Amazing for sure! What an amazing group to co-labor with on the streets of Portland. One of the most exciting things of the night for me was when I was prepared to empty my wallet to a man who I knew was not going to abuse it...he was truly down and out, poor and needy...and he knew Jesus. He loved when we prayed for him and agree hardily although he was so frail. When I asked what can we do practically for him all he asked for was water. My water bottle was the only one there and I had taken a sip already. I told him so and he didn't mind at all. He was so thirsty. I felt the pleasure of the Lord in that moment as I thought of this scripture as I released the water to him "For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because of your name as followers of Christ, truly I say to you, he will not lose his reward." Mark 9:41 It's amazing that a bottle of water gave me the same pleasure as praying healing for one or seeing salvation come to another. It's all about doing what the Father tells you to do in a given moment. And what an amazing lady (Loretta W) I partnered with...I really learned from her as she used her doggie treats to open doors in a similar way I use my art. She is full of the Spirit and Word of knowledge flows from her...So blessed to have made a new friend! I loved last night!!"
July 29th, "Invading the Gates of Hell" Downtown Portland Prayerwalk Testimony from Denise Hendrickson
"This outreach was amazing! It's what I would call a whole enchilada outreach! Three people asked Jesus into their heart! One was a guy who later told me he was gay and didn't think he could be saved nor loved by God. I was able to share more on God's love with him and how God looks at sin as all being equal. I was able to pray over his mind as he asked about the thoughts he has and I shared with him not only how to deal with those thoughts, but how to recognize which thoughts were from God and which were from the enemy. Knowing God will reveal to him to move out of his current lifestyle with His strength to do so, I also was able to tell him to ask God to show him truth. He was super hungry!
I talked to one couple that was dating. She was saved and the guy literally jumped at the opportunity to ask Jesus into his heart. Afterwards, I told them their relationship will now move into a deeper level and I asked the girl if she knew what the bible said about being unequally yoked. I referred to that passage as I spoke into their lives. Papa then gave me a word of knowledge that moved into the prophetic for her. It was amazing.
One lady who was completely drunk gave me the biggest hug at the end of our conversation and told me how much she loved me. Lol. She felt Jesus' love!! Another notable conversation was with a guy who does not believe in one Jesus. He was so moved by the "music" that he stopped to enjoy it. I believe the worship actually toned him down and he was very gentle when he shared his viewpoint with me. He was not aggressive nor dogmatic. Although he did not receive Jesus, he heard truth and I asked him to ask God to reveal truth to him.
There was much good conversation that happened with other people, and I found it to be an open heaven everywhere. Outreach is about more than a word of knowledge, prophecy or healing. It's even about more than someone getting saved. It's about Papa restoring the whole person. Jesus is interested in the whole man - the lame man when healed went walking and leaping and praising God - physically, emotionally & spiritually - Mark 3:1-11 Thank you for inviting us!"
May 15th Testimony from David Hummel
David Hummel, who owns & manages Blessing Bookstore, has leased retail space for the past 5 years. Below his space, another group was leasing space for their organization, that operated contrary to God's Kingdom of Love. As we prayed, worshiped, shouted & declared God's Kingdom on Friday, May 15th (for our first Strategic Prayer Gathering), the other group unexpectedly moved out of the building in 3 days! What a testimony of the power of agreement, when all the different dimensions of God's 5 Fold Government stand as one.
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